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578 Squadron on Film

I was recently watching a video entitled "Handley Page - Leaders in Aviation" (A VHS video produced by the Handley Page Association in 1990), when in the section about the mighty Halifax I was sure that I saw a fleeting glimpse of squadron code letters that I recognised. Sure enough, use of the rewind and pause button revealed a still shot of a MkIII Halifax bearing the LK code letters.
It was only a very short clip but it shows that there must have been some film work done of 578 squadron aircraft. Does anyone remember a film crew at Burn? If so there must be more footage of 578 Squadron and it would be interesting to find out if it still exists. Even if it was not filmed at Burn there must be more footage than just this short clip. The film clip has been spotted in other bomber films of the day so hopefully in some archive or other the original version will still exist.

Information as to how we go about finding its existence would be a greatly received. webmaster@578squadron.org.uk

578 film still
Of poor quality (as it is a still photograph from the video) but here is the 578 Squadron Halifax on film. Note that it clearly shows the Preston-Green underbelly turret that some aircraft had fitted.



Source:Handley Page - Leaders in Aviation